A Morning Of Inspiration

Yesterday I spent a few hours in the wonderful florist The Flower Folk on Brentwood Avenue. The shop itself is an utter joy for the eyes and nose. So many gorgeous flowers, plants, candles, vases, plant pots. 

I attended a Styling workshop by Nancy Straughan. There were 9 of us in total sat around a table where Nancy explained the basic principals of styling, giving examples of various styles and then styling both a shelf and a dinner setting.

Pip, the owner of The Flower Folk also gave us an intro into how to arrange some flowers in a small simple vase. She made this seem so easy, it wasn't!!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed my few hours, I met some lovely ladies, brought home so gorgeous flowers and felt totally inspired.

I have now set up a little corner of my studio solely for taking photographs. I now understand how much of difference having some form of plant or flower in in the frame can make to a shot. And finally I am enjoying taking photos of my products. 

Flowers in pot - photography propStyling Workshop

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