GREETINGS CARDS - Easter Card Designs

I have designed 2 cute Easter cards. I have used fresh spring colours and tried to keep the designs clean and simple.
You can buy both of these cards on NOTHS and Folksy or in store at Halo Gift in Whitley Bay. They make me feel like spring is finally here!

Easter Bunnies CardHappy Easter Card

I'm really pleased that NOTHS chose to feature my "bunnies" card in their Easter email which was sent out at the beginning of this week. It has made a big difference to orders too!


Not on the High Street Emailer containing mrs L cards Easter Bunnies Card

Plus today Poppy Sparkles have featured my "happy easter" card in their blog and Folksy have featured my "bunnies" card in their emailer.

Poppy Sparkles Blog featuring mrs L cards Easter Card Design

Folksy Emailer containing mrs L cards Easter Bunnies Card Design

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