This month mrs L cards is 6 years old.

For 6 years I have been working from home. There has been positives and negatives to this. If I am extremely busy I can get up and start working in my dressing gown until the sun eventually comes up or work until I finally flop into bed. No commute, no time wasted when time is precious. I am a quieter and the weather is nice I can pop into my yarden for a couple of hours to read and then work slightly later to catch up. On the flip side I do talk to myself possibly more than I should and when things go wrong there is no escape.

One thing I have started doing is "walking to work". After breakfast when mr L leaves for his office I pop on my walking boots and head to the beach. Every day is different there. At the moment it is still utterly beautiful. The warm weather and endless blue skies are just stunning. I walk to the bottom of my street and at the moment I am still greeted by the sun shining over the sea. Just stunning.

Beautiful Whitley Bay

I have a route; I walk along the promenade, get to a certain point (The Rendevous Cafe, where many a Vera scene has been set) and then walk onto the beach and alongside the sea facing the sun. I can't even begin to explain how good this is for me. I often think I should/could run it but I know I push myself when I run and I wouldn't feel the same sense of calm I get from walking it. I love the sound of the seas, the waves crashing by my side and the feel of the sand beneath my feet. I love watching all the different breeds of dogs bounding about and I love the feel of the sun on my face.

Working from home - walk to work

I know this sun won't last forever and it will be replaced with rain, winds and snow but then this is a different type of escape and it will make me appreciate "getting to work" in my cosy house.

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